Pricing & Options

We provide free and accurate estimates. Because every individual photograph needs individual care and attention, we cannot provide a "set" pricing guide, but the table below can help serve as a guideline to our prices and services.

Mild Repair $40-$60
Moderate Repair $61-$85
Severe Repair $86 and up
People Removed $50 and up
Object Removed $40 and up
Composite $20 plus $5 per photo
Multiple Exposure $30 plus $8 per photo
Hand Tinting $55 and up
Spot Coloring $25 and up
Black & White $30
Sepia or Single Tone $30
Duplication $20 per image
High Res Scanning $20 per image on CD
Low Res Scanning $15 per image on diskette
Retouching $25 and up
Artistic Effects $25 and up
Color Correction $25 and up
Exposure Correction $25 and up
Decorative Borders $25
Add Text, Etc. $25 and up
Custom Work call for details

Odds, Ends, and Details

Prices include (1) 8x10, (2) 5x7s, (4) 3.5x5s, or (9) wallets. Additional sheets or image on CD provided at $10.00 each.

The maximum sized print possible is 1 size larger than original print. For example, if you submit a 4x6 original, we can provide you with a 5x7.

In some circumstances, we may be only to provide you with a print the same size, or smaller than, the original. On such occasions we will provide a decorative border in order to "up-size" the print at no additional cost if you desire.

Some photographs may require cropping for improvement or visual purposes. We request that you allow our artist to decide cropping of prints and photographs, but we will be happy to discuss your concerns, and we will do our best to work with your ideas.